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Barley FlourBarley Flour helps protect your dog against cardiovascular disease and oxidative stress.
BeefBeef is a high quality source of protien that helps to build muscle and provide energy.
Beef LiverBeef Liver is a nutrient rich food that helps to clean the blood of toxins and supports vision health.
BiotinBiotin is a vitamin essential for growth in young dogs and enhances skin and coat health.
BlueberriesBlueberries are a low calorie ingredient that contain antioxidants to support your dog's immune system.
Bone MealBone Meal provides calcium, protein, and phosphorus which helps to build and maintain strong bones and teeth.
Brewer's Dried YeastBrewer's Dried Yeast is high in B Vitamins which support your dog's vision health, liver function, and skin and coat quality.
Brown RiceBrown Rice is a great source of fiber and easily digestable, making it a helpful ingredient for sensitive digestive systems. Brown Rice is also a heart healthy ingredient!
Brown Rice FlourBrown Rice Flour is a great source of fiber, and it increases your dog's ability to digest their food.
Calcium CarbonateCalcium Carbonate plays many essiential rolls in your dog's health including blood coagulation, muscle contraction, nerve function, cardiac function, bone growth, and eyesight.
Calcium IodateCalcium Iodate is a source of Iodine as well as calcium (See Calcium Carbonate). Iodine is essential for the function of the thyroid gland which regulates metabolism, skin and hair regrowth, reproduction, and muscle function.
Calcium PropionateCalcium Propionate plays many essential rolls in your dog's health including blood coagulation, muscle contraction, nerve function, cardiac function, bone growth, and eyesight.
Calcium SulfateCalcium Sulfate is good source of dietary calcium that aids in dental strength and bone growth.
Cane MolassesMolasses contains iron, calcium, Vitamin-B6, magnesium, copper, and potassium which help to fulfill your dog's daily nutrition needs.
CarrotsCarrots are a great ingredient that are low in calories and high in fiber and beta-carotene which supports your dog's immune system and overall health.
ChickenChicken is a low-calorie, high-protein ingredient that is also high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Chicken helps your dog build lean muscle and also contributes to healthy skin and coat.
Chicken FatChicken fat is a good energy source, and is high in Omega-6 fatty acids, which promote healthy skin and coat.
Chicken MealChicken Meal is rich in protein and contains tryptophan which increases serotonin levels and elevates your dog's mood.
Chondroitin SulfateChondroitin Sulfate aids in rebuilding and strengthening cartilage, which contributes to your dog's joint health and works to prevent osteoarthritis.
Copper SulfateAmong other things, Copper helps the body absorb iron which is a crucial makeup of red blood cells. Copper is also necessary for the formation of melanin which is responsible for hair and eye color.
CranberriesCranberries improve your dog's bladder health and reduce tartar and plaque buildup on their teeth.
D-Calcium PantothenateCalcium Pantothenate aids in the production of bile for healthy digestion.
Dicalcium PhosphateDicalcium Phosphate adds important minerals to your dog's diet such as phosphorus, calcium, and fluorine.
Dried YeastDried Yeast is high in B vitamins supporting healthy skin, hair, eyes, liver, and can reduce anxiety levels.
Fish OilFish Oil is great for your dog's skin and coat, heart health, relieves allergies and joint pain, and strengthens their immune system.
Fish Oil PowderFish Oil Powder is great for your dog's skin and coat, heart health, relieves allergies and joint pain, and strengthens their immune system.
Flaxseed OilFlaxseed Oil is a good source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids which support heart health and promote healthy skin and coat.
Folic AcidFolic Acid aids in metabolism, and is needed for proper cell growth.
GelatinGelatin reduces your dog's risk of arthritis and promotes brain health.
GlucosamineGlucosamine is an essential part of regrowth and strengthening cartlidge in your dog's joints.
Ground FlaxseedFlaxseed is a good source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids which support heart health and promotes healthy skin and coat.
Ground PeasPeas are low in calories, high in fiber, and packed with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, K, B, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, and Magnesium.
LambLamb is a great source of easily digestible proteins and essential dietary fat which provide your dog with energy and builds muscle.
Lamb MealLamb is a great source of easily digestible proteins and essential dietary fat which provide your dog with energy and builds muscle.
Linoleic AcidLinoleic Acid is a good source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids which support heart health and promotes healthy skin and coat.
Manganese SulfateManganese is an essential trace mineral that aids in the digestion and absorbtion of proteins and carbohydrates for your dog to use as energy.
MilkMilk provides many essential vitamins, proteins, and calcium for bone growth and overall health.
Niacin (Vitamin B3)Niacin (Vitamin B3) is an essential vitamin that helps to improve circulation and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Pea ProteinPea protein is a great source of protein that can help to build muscle and help your dog to maintain energy levels.
Peanut ButterPeanut Butter is an excellent source of protein and contains healthy fats that boost your dog's energy levels.
Potassium ChloridePotassium aids in many bodily functions including contributions to a healthy heart and nervous system.
Pyridoxine HydrochloridePyridoxine Hydrochloride aids in the utilization and breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates to maintain your dog's energy levels.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) promotes healthy eyes, skin, coat, and nails.
Rosemary ExtractRosemary is a beneficial antioxidant that supports both the digestive and nervous systems.
Rye FlourRye Flour contains protein, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and vitamin B to increase the overall nutrients of your dog's food and treats.
SalmonSalmon is a great source of protein that helps with your dog's skin and coat, immune support, and decreases inflammation.
Salmon MealSalmon Meal supports your dog's immune system and keeps the skin and coat healthy.
SaltSalt is essential in a dog's diet. It helps to maintain fluid levels in the body and regulate blood pressure.
Sodium SeleniteSodium Selenite is a source of selenium which helps strengthen your dog's immune system.
SpinachSpinach is a great source of Vitamin A, B, C & K, and is also a good source of fiber that helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract.
Sweet PotatoesSweet Potatoes are an excellent source of fiber and are high in many essential vitamins. They are a healthy and sweet ingredient that dogs love!
Vitamin AVitamin A is required for healthy vision, skin, coat, bone/dental density. Vitamin A also plays a big role in immune system support.
Vitamin B12Vitamin B12 is an essential component of the brain, nervous system, and red blood cells.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)Vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic Acid, is essential for connective tissues, bones, blood vessels, and would healing.
Vitamin DVitamin D is essential for regulating calcium and phosphorus levels in the body, promoting bone formation and immune system support.
Vitamin EVitamin E is a necessary antioxidant that aids in strengthening the immune system and contributes to skin and coat health.
Zinc SulfateZinc Sulfate improves the health of your dog's skin and coat and encourages wound healing.
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